Affordable Ar-15 Rifles & Pistols
Givati Frearms offers AR-15 is renowned for its versatility and customization options. As one of America’s most popular rifles, numerous manufacturers produce their versions of this iconic firearm.
That said, it isn’t always easy to find a good rifle when on a budget. You will often find that some of the more popular options easily top out above $1,000. Though possible, finding a good rifle on a budget certainly poses its own challenge at Givati Firearms our budget rifles and pistols are manufactured to milspec, thsy are basic as far as design but they have more options than the traditional M16, so by by saying basic doesnt mean it you will not have more.
You don’t have to worry about that anymore, though. We’re breaking down some of the best bang for your buck rifles, each one being below $1,000. Follow along as we go over what to consider when looking for a rifle and what some of the most affordable at ar 15 discount options below:
Budget builds
What makes a cheap Ar 15
For a first time buyer, and amateurs a black rifle looks and feels like any other ar 15 rifle or pistol out there. looks are deceiving .
Big companies in the united states selling cheap rifles are cutting corners for sure, they outsource products from various 3rd world countries and offering to the consumer, cheap is cheap no matter what.
1-st metals are used, in order to produce a cheap priced part will compromise material used, the process itself, coating used, and they will skip the most important part (QC) Quality control.
What is a cheap metal ??
The most common and cheapest metal, iron is used to make other metals like cast iron and steel. casting gun parts is the most method used to cut corners and present a product that looks like quality product without knowing the difference between the two.
Difference between aluminums??
Aluminum grades makes a whole lot of difference
1-st aluminum made in united states and aluminums made in china and the rest of the third world countries is a night and day difference.
Aluminum 5 series 6 seriesand 7 series makes world of difference between a part that will stand abuse or a part that will fail.
Coatings are essential in gun manufactures.
black color is a black color but the grade and the process could means a part that will rust like (black oxide) or a part that will last (7 day corrosion testing) example QPQ coating.
Conclusion all these cutting corners will result into an inexpensive rifle or pistol because of the poor process used to manufacture the parts. and assemble them in platform that is questionable as far as reliability and functionality.
At Givati Firearms we will never cut corners when we make our parts, we use the highest grade metals, produce the part and test it for failure, coated in the best available coatings to ensure a long lasting finish without compromise. get your ar 15 discount today andstart your project
Understanding the AR-15
At its core, the AR-15 rifle is a semi-automatic rifle that was initially developed in the 1950s and 60s. Today, it’s one of the most popular rifles since it’s easily configured to fit multiple roles. Each of the components of the AR-15 are easily interchangeable with upgraded ones. Parts like the safety selector, mag release, and bolt catch are commonly swapped out with enhanced ones to increase the speed of using them.
The AR-15 can accept a multitude of different calibers, the most common being .223/5.56 and .300 Blackout. Other niche calibers are used as well, like 7.62×39, 6.5 Grendel, .458 SOCOM, and 6.8 SPC to name a few. When it comes to choosing a caliber, it’s up to personal preference.
It’s important to make sure that whatever manufacturer you go with has a good reputation for making high quality products. Regardless of whether it’s a budget build or not, you’ll want to make sure that whatever you pick is reliable. look for any ar 15 discount
What Are Your Options ???
There are few key things to take into consideration before pulling the trigger on an Givati Firearms AR-15, including your personal preferences, the rifle’s purpose, and your budget. Fortunately, this is the easy step, and it will only set you up for success when you start the search for your rifle.
By considering your preferences, you can drastically narrow down the options available, and give yourself some better selections tailored to your needs and wants. For instance, you may prefer KeyMod over M-LOK, or you might prefer Picatinny quad rails on your handguard. There’s a near-endless possibility of options you can have on an Givati Firearms AR-15, ranging from color patterns to ambidextrous controls. Just like we mentioned before, the AR-15 is easily customizable and can be tailored to suit your needs.
Since the AR-15 can be configured to fit different purposes, it’s crucial to keep that in mind. If your main purpose for having an AR-15 is home defense, you wouldn’t want a rifle with a 20-inch barrel that’s difficult to maneuver in tight quarters. On the other hand, for shooting at longer ranges, a longer barrel length will serve you much better. Some of the most common barrel lengths you’ll find on the Givati Firearms AR-15 are 14.5 (pin and weld), 16, and 18 inches.